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Transforming Colleges, Transforming Communities

We believe in a world where every community college is a catalyst for more equitable, economically vibrant communities. Alongside hard working leaders, we’re transforming colleges — from how they lead to how they teach — to put students at the center, so that all students can access life-changing learning that propels them into community-changing careers.

See Our Approach

300+ colleges. 300+ success stories.
Will yours be next?

This Is Whole College Transformation.

The community colleges we work with are distinct: They choose transformation over tradition, curiosity over inaction, innovation over status quo. Achieving the Dream is dedicated to being the trusted partner community colleges seek to better connect the academic, social, and operational dots. We provide institutions with integrated, tailored support for every aspect of their work — from foundational capacities such as leadership, data, and equity to intentional strategies for supporting students holistically, building K-12 partnerships, and more.

Foundations of Transformation

Whole College Transformation starts here. Foundations of Transformation is our core program; it’s a multi-year, intensive engagement led by expert coaches and teams, designed to build foundational capacities that enable sustainable college transformation across leadership, equity, data — and so much more.

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Accelerating Transformation

Once a solid foundation has been built, it’s time to accelerate. Accelerating Transformation engagements span multiple areas of expertise, from K-12 partnerships to equity to holistic student support. These services are designed to go deeper within specific institutional capacities and are customized based on each college’s areas of growth.

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Trusted experts for the journey ahead.

Our experts have worked in community colleges across the country. They’ve seen challenges up close; they understand the tools required to help create smart solutions that address your institution’s unique challenges. With Achieving the Dream, you’ll work directly with our network of experts to create and follow your path to transformation.

Learn More About Our Experts

Ready-to-use tools for a big impact.

While each institution is unique, it’s critical to learn from each other’s challenges and successes. Use our actionable, field-tested resources to augment your whole-college transformation.

Trusted by leading community colleges across the country.

At Achieving the Dream, you’re in good company: We’ve worked with over 300 colleges in 45 states.


colleges in the Achieving the Dream Network


students served by network colleges


coaching hours provided in 2021


attendees at the 2021 DREAM conference and learning events

Female professor instructing a young student who has Down syndrome

Continuous opportunities for improvement

Join our upcoming webinars, virtual sessions, and events to learn from one another as we work to close equity gaps and improve student outcomes.

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